Testosterone - The Premier Steroid You Need For Your Body

While discussing steroids and the tons of varieties available, Testosterone always deserves a look over. After all, it is what gives birth to almost all the other androgenic steroids, thanks to modifications to this powerful hormone. Men and women both need Testosterone to ensure the proper functioning of their health or the body ecosystem.

  • What is Testosterone?

Whenever you set out to buy steroids, Testosterone is probably the first one you shall come by. Testosterone is the first synthetic steroid manufactured for such wide-scale use. In 1935, two renowned chemists Adolf Butenandt and Leopold Ruzicka did the research, and the first lot of Testosterone hit the market.

Our body naturally produces Testosterone. It performs the following functions and a lot more!

  1. Development of sexual characteristics like prostate and testicular growth
  2. Growth of muscle tissue
  3. Bone Density enhancement
  4. Upkeeping of general health and well-being

One thing to note is that Testosterone was never sold in its raw form but always attached to an ester. Before Testosterone Enanthate became much popular, Testosterone Propionate is what ruled. The addition of an ester is what makes one Testosterone variety different from the other. The ester controls the release time of the hormone in our body and defines the activity duration.

The Benefits of Exogenous Testosterone

Testosterone is taken in general for two reasons. First, as a replacement therapy by the ones suffering from the deficiency of this hormone. The second would be for athletic purposes for performance enhancement.

With extra Testosterone in our body, we benefit from the following.

  • Increased RBC count:

This is a common trait you shall observe among many when you buy steroids. With more oxygen the bloodstream, our muscles can undergo more training loads.

  • Increased Recovery:

During training, when muscles are torn, they recover faster with Testosterone.